Edmund McMillen, the developer of Super Meat Boy and The Binding of Isaac, has shared some interesting information about Canonical’s practices, at least for his games.
Humble Indie Bundle 7 was just launched and right off the bat people have noticed that something was wrong. Usually, when a new Humble Bundle collection is offered for sale, Canonical will provide it through Ubuntu Software Center.
This was not the case with the last bundle. Some titles were missing from Ubuntu Software Center, and among them there was also The Binding of Isaac.
The developer has answered a question related with this subject on the formspring.me platform. One of the users was curious to know why The Binding of Isaac is not on USC.
“Last year Ubuntu added Super Meat Boy to their store without our written permission and sold it for a full year without paying us. We didn’t find this out till a few months ago and had to contact them directly about it in order to get our payment.... I don’t trust or respect their actions and won’t be working with them ever again,” stated McMillen.
In other words, Canonical sold Super Meat Boy without notifying the developer and without paying him a dime. It’s no wonder that The Binding of Isaac will not be available through Ubuntu Software Center.
If any more details surface about this interesting turn of events, we will make them available.

Via: Canonical Sold Super Meat Boy Without Telling the Developer
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