Garry Schyman Handles BioShock Infinite Soundtrack

Friday, December 21, 2012

Ken Levine, the main developer working on BioShock Infinite, says that the soundtrack for the upcoming video game will be created by Garry Schyman, who previously worked on the first two titles in the series and has been praised by fans for his subtle work.

The leader of Irrational Games said during a Reddit Ask Me Anything that, “His score is very different from the first two games, yet very much guided by the same aesthetic principles. We were lucky to have him and I can’t wait until you get to hear some of his stuff. He’s working in a different, sparer style, but it’s awesome.”

The sound work on BioShock Infinite is different because the protagonist of the game, Booker DeWiit, speaks and because he conducts numerous conversations with his companion, Elizabeth.

BioShock: Infinite is locked in for launch on the PC, the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360 in late March 2013.

Via: Garry Schyman Handles BioShock Infinite Soundtrack

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