Hitman: Absolution Patch Fixes Detrimental Score Bug

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Developer IO Interactive and publisher Square Enix are fixing the detrimental score complications that have been affecting heir recently launched Hitman: Absolution by way of a new patch which also eliminates a quantity of other issues with the game.

The initial patch for the game is labeled 1..438. and will be automatically utilized on the Pc the moment the player starts Steam yet again.

The terrible news is that though no a lot more new adverse scores will be registered in Hitman: Absolution the players will want to create new scores for individuals levels in order to erase these who currently exist.

The patch also makes certain that Sniper Challenge Unlocks are carried into the game even though some North American game consumers will need to have to make contact with Gamestop in order to get the necessary unlock crucial.

IO Interactive has also fixed Hitman: Absolution game crashes on a amount of configurations and a amount of localization troubles have also been addressed.

The full patch notes are presented on Steam.

Via: Hitman: Absolution Patch Fixes Negative Score Bug

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