Kristian Harloff and Mark Ellis are the first YouTube movie reviewers to get certification on the prestigious Rotten Tomatoes website and, while they say they’re just two regular schmoes who love to talk movies with their movie-loving pals, their word does weigh a bit in the balance.
Above is their pick of the top 10 worst movies of the year that’s about to end.
They might not agree on positions 10 through 2 (which means you actually get 2 separate top 10s), but Kristian and Mark are on the same page as regards number 1.
This would be the totally unnecessary sequel to “Piranha 3D,” the aptly titled “Piranha 3DD” which was so bad it practically made you embarrassed to be in the theater where it was playing, a sentiment to which I wholeheartedly agree.
Elsewhere in the list, we have “Premium Rush” and “Men in Black 3,” which were bad because they mocked and wasted all the potential they had, “Ghost Rider,” “Paranormal Activity 4,” “Taken 2” and “Ice Age 4: Continental Drift,” which were obvious money grabbing attempts.
“The Apparition” was simply bad, as also was “Joyful Noise” and the remake “Red Dawn.”
Check out the video above to see the other picks (as well as a brief explanation for why they made the cut). Here’s to a better 2013 in movies!
Via: Worst Movies of 2012 Video
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