Is There Space for Another Social Network? - Inforocked

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Ello, which is a sneaky play on the slang of the word "hello" is the latest craze, and unless you're a big somebody in the art world you probably don't have an invite. Ello is the brainchild of Paul Budnitz, who was complaining that social networking sites are not as fun as they used to be, so he decided to do something about it.

ello logoInitially it was designed for just 100 people, but very quickly got a load of requests from people who wanted in. Each social network has its own rule of thumb, Facebook has everyone and their dog on it, Twitter only has 140 characters, Instagram is the Facebook of photos while GooglePlus is Googles attempt at joining all their services to just 1 user and integrating it into web browsing, because of their sway.

Simply stated, it's almost all been done before, and this is why Ello thrives. Ello allows you to appear anonymous, requiring only your email address to sign up. It's main feature though lies in Paul's hatred of adverts. Ello has no ads, which means that you don't have obnoxious stock trading ads after every third post, or pillars of side ads that learn from your browsing history. It is in the simplest sense, a pretty version of Facebook 1.0 with anonymous posting.

I hear you saying "wow, where do I sign up?" and this is where I have to disappoint you at first. Ello is currently in the beta testing phase, and they are only adding small amounts of users with each new release. To top it off though, if you thought you'll just pop yourself onto the waiting list, it's probably going to be quite a wait. Ello is receiving 45000 join requests every hour. Multiply that with the amount of days they've been operating, and welcome sir, you are number 61,596,314.

Despite all that, it looks awesome, and everyone is tired of being sold off to the highest bidder, in the advert viewing wars that all internet companies seem to have adopted, as a strategy to get by. It's nice to find a website that is focused on content and enjoying yourself, while also adopting a refreshing new spin on a preceding idea.

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