Reince Priebus: Truckload against Hillary Clinton - Politico

Monday, February 10, 2014

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus said Monday that when it comes to Hillary Clinton, Republicans will have a “truckload” of material to use against her, and it’s all fair game.

Priebus said recent, repeated comments from Sen. Rand Paul (R-Texas) bringing up President Bill Clinton’s affair with Monica Lewinsky as a critique of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton are legitimate.

“I think everything’s on the table,” Priebus said on MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports” on Monday. “I think we’re going to have a truckload of opposition research on Hillary Clinton, and some things may be old, and some things might be new. But I think everything is at stake when you’re talking about the leader of the free world.”

Both Paul and Clinton are considered strong contenders for their parties’ presidential nominations in 2016.

In recent weeks, Paul has bringing up Bill Clinton’s relationship with Lewinsky to counter the Democrats’ “war on women” narrative.

“I think really the media seems to have given President Clinton a pass on this. He took advantage of a girl that was 20-years-old and an intern in his office. There is no excuse for that and that is predatory behavior,” Paul said on NBC’s “Meet the Press” in January. He said he wasn’t suggesting Hillary Clinton should be judged on it, but “this was with regard to the Clintons. It’s hard enough to separate one from the other. I would say that with regards to his place in history that it certainly is a discussion.”

On Monday, Priebus said it was all part of the conversation.

“The way that somebody might operate as president matters,” Priebus said. “The American people are going to put a lot of pieces together. And obviously, we as Republicans are going to help put those pieces together. And so, you know, Hillary Clinton provides a lot of opportunity for us.”

The RNC chairman said newly published documents from an archive of a close friend of Clinton’s are also significant, though he said he had no knowledge of any Republican organization being involved in their release.

“I think it’s important. It illustrates that Hillary Clinton was for single payer for a long time,” Priebus said. “Hillary Clinton will present many opposition research opportunities for us to set the record straight on what she believes and what her history is on a lot of topics.”

The RNC on Monday afternoon published a series of excerpts from reports on the archives, saying they demonstrate why Clinton’s records were “on lockdown” during her 2008 run for president.

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