Musk blames SpaceX rocket hovership EXPLOSION prang on SLUGGISHNESS - The Register

Monday, April 20, 2015

Billionaire biz baron Elon Musk has revealed more details about why SpaceX's latest attempt to land a rocket in one piece on its floating land pad hover-vessel failed on the most recent attempt.

The Register reported on the drama as it unfolded on Tuesday. Once again, Falcon 9 successfully launched the capsule payload to 'nauts on the International Space Station, only for the rocket to hit the "just read the instructions" deck hard on its shaky return to Earth.

In classic Musk style, the SpaceX boss explained what had gone wrong in a tweet.

He followed up with footage of the "rather tall & tippy" rocket during a short test flight in April last year when it achieved "a stable landing" courtesy of a "proper throttle response".

SpaceX will next attempt a Falcon rocket landing at sea in June, and it seems very possible that this time the rocket firm will bring one back alive. ®

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