University of California, Berkeley student may have spread measles -

Sunday, February 16, 2014

A male student at the University of California, Berkeley, caught the measles while traveling to Asia, and might have spread it on a transportation system in Northern California between Feb. 4-7.

The student's identity has not been released to the public, but people who might have been in close contact with him are being contacted.

According to KTVU, Dr. Brad Buchman, director of University Health Services said, "We want to be on the lookout for any new individuals who may develop symptoms" and that 300 measles vaccines are going to the campus for people who want protection from the disease.

CNN writes, people who were within the same area with the infected student one to two hours after he left and people who have not received the measles vaccine are at a high risk, said Erika Jenssen, disease program director for Contra Costa Health Services on Thurs.

The student rode the BART, also known as Bay Area Rapid Transit, daily.

Measles symptoms are initially similar to the common cold, but then a rash usually appears. It takes between seven and 10 days to show symptoms.

image: Wikimedia Commons

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